The Character Creator 2.0

    The Character Creator

    Introducing The Character Creator 2.0!

    A selection of over 1,000 elements that let you design your own mascot or character. Choose from different body poses, heads, mouths, eyes, hands, hair/hats, and tons more. Have fun and create a character design that represents you or your business.


    You’ll also get the Graphics Creator software, a downloadable app for Mac and Windows that you’ll use to create all of the characters with
    (as seen in the video above).

    Let’s agree that having a business mascot would be cool. Still, you’re probably not going to spend hundreds of dollars on a custom design from a graphic artist. After all, you’re better off spending your budget on marketing, right?

    *Click on the images to see a larger version

    The Graphics Creator

    Character creation is now a skill everyone can have, even if you’re not a designer.

    Plus, all of the character elements have a transparent background, so you can put them over any graphic, advertisement, web page, video, blog post, or even a slide presentation.

    headless body images

    Drop heads onto bodies

    eyes mouths and hats Graphics

    Create your own monster

    Item Features

    • All-in-one character maker!
    • Create customized characters using hundreds of body “parts”
    • Over 100 different bodies with different poses
    • Hundreds of mouths, eyes, heads, hair, hats, glasses, faceless full bodies, Manga characters, monsters, and more
    • BONUS: 20 ready-made templates to play with!
    • Create your character and then import into any Graphics Creator design template
    • Export as transparent PNG and use in videos, slide presentations, advertisements, blogs, web pages, or social media
    • Easy drag and drop character design elements make it a snap to create your custom character

    character creator with business cards

    1000s of Possiblilites


    • Use with The Graphics Creator 8 downloadable software:  It’s loaded with built-in tools, so you can learn fast and get your design project done in no time (comes with The Graphics Creator if this is your first purchase!)
    • Or anywhere online you can place a transparent PNG image
    • Win/Mac compatible
    • Software download


    See some of our other Character Graphic Packages too!