Installing your new Laughingbird Software

Step 1:

If you don’t yet have The Graphics Creator software installed on your computer, please download it here and install it first.



Download The Graphics Creator for Mac




Step 2:

As a Laughingbird Family member – we’d like to give you a free gift!   🤗

Download and install this bonus set of graphics. They’ll appear inside your Graphics Creator software! You can create all kinds of cool images with this bonus template set.

Laughingbird Free Gift

* the bonus templates above will remove the watermarks from your software



If you’ve purchased one of the new CREATE A SCENE packages:

Please note, these will not actually install into your Graphics Creator. BUT! You can use them WITH the Graphics Creator simply by opening the folder that contains the images (the Prehistoric Dinosaur folder for example) and drag one of the images directly onto the Graphics Creator’s Canvas!

Super easy!   🥰


Have fun with everything!

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